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  • Japanese influencers vs Western influencers 【BILCOM English Blog Vol4】
  • 2018年07月31日
  • PRノウハウ

Japanese influencers vs Western influencers 【BILCOM English Blog Vol4】

こんにちは。ビルコムで学生インターンをしている西方健です。 ビルコムのインターン生として、日本でのPRを考えている海外および外資系企業のみなさま向けの記事を、当社のブログとフェイスブック公式ページを通じて英語で配信しています。 最終回となる第4弾は、日本と欧米のインフルエンサーの違いについてです。



Key differences between Japanese influencers and Western influencers

Have you ever stumbled upon a very catchy and intriguing posts by a prominent figure in social media or have you ever felt compelled to buy a certain product or service because the figure that is promoting sounds just too convincing? I would not be surprised if most of you answered yes since this is gradually becoming a common trend among social media uses.

This marketing method is referred to as Influencer Marketing. Influencer marketing, is a form of marketing that centers on key figures or leaders that are capable in forging a positive word of mouth of a product, service or brand. Some influencers make their living out of the commissions they earn after the product or service is released to the public and profits made throughout a specific time-span. There are millions of them across the world with their own and unique form of "influencing" their own prospective audience.

As influencers spread all over the world through their personal social channels, the global PR industry is compelled to adapt to the diversity entailed to such social phenomenon. This article will emphasize the contrasting differences between Japanese and Western influencers as a means to help build links at an international scale between influencers and companies.

The two tables above contrast the key traits of Japanese influencers and Western influencers. Unlike many Western countries, in Japan, the freedom of speech is frowned upon and therefore, Japanese influencers will most likely nod to your request since they value and perceive quietness as a form of respect. On the other hand, Western influencers are rather free with their express their opinion(s) if there is the necessity to do so. Having this in mind, working with the Japanese influencers may entail a rather smooth plan execution whereas working with Western influencers may bring new perspectives and opinions as a means for improvisation since they are willing to talk and express themselves with whomever they may be working with.

The diversity in influencers' demographics is a key element PR companies ought to take into consideration in order to amplify their PR alternatives. The key differences between Japanese and Western influencers is one of the many differences prevailing among the influencers at a global scale. I hope that whoever reads this article acquired an idea of how cultural values may influence the marketing content and the methods taken to realize it. 
PR companies that are seeking to implement Japanese prominent social media figures into their projects may perhaps perceive a lack of communication since most likely, there will no likely be a conversation where one side says this and the other side says this in regards to that. While things may go smooth, this lack of communication may lead to a drought in the PR's context as well as effectiveness. On the other hand, the downside of including Western influencers in PR activities may lead to a much more intensified conversation where opinions will clash and thus hindering both sides to reach a certain consensus. However, this time consumption will surely lead to an improvised PR that will potentially boost revenue. In conclusion, working with both kind of influencers can go either way, each having their pros and cons.


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